ISSN : 2287-8327
We examined the evolutionary and ecological pr ocesses shaping current geographical distributionsof a Korean wood-eating cockroach species, Cryptocercus kyebangensis. Our research aims were to understand evolutionary pattern of DNA sequences, to construct genetic network of Cryptocercus kyebangensis local popu-lations and to understand evolutionary and ecological processes shaping their current geographical distribution patterns via DNA sequence information and genetic networks, using sequence data of two genes (ITS-2 and AT region) from local populations of C. kyebangensisappropriate molecular markers for elucidating C. kyebangensis geographic patterns at the population level. The MSN-A based on the ITS-2 showed two possible routes, the Hwak-san and Myeongji-san route and the Seorak- san and Gyebang-san route, for migration of ancestral C. kyebangensis into South Korea. The MSNs (MSN-A and -B) elucidate migration routes well within South Korea, especially the route of Group Ⅰ and Group Ⅱ.
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