ISSN : 2287-8327
Growth and reproduction of Palaemon serrifer were described and analyzed in a populationinhabiting tide pools in warm temperate waters in Korea. The water temperature varied greatly in the tide pools, ranging from 8℃ to 27.8 Population structure and growth were investigated using size frequency distribution data collected from January to December 2003. Sex ratios fluctuated, but were almost equal during the breeding period. Growth was continuous and size increased gradually throughout the year. Adult females were larger and grew faster than males. von Bertalanffy growth parameters for a one-year sample of females and males were estimated as L= 11.32, K = 0.311, t0 = -0.4115 and L = 8.36, K = 0.228, t0 = -0.9693 respectively. Breeding was seasonal, starting in May, peaking in August, and finishing by the end of August. The species showed continuous production of successive broods. Laboratory observation showed that females with embryos near hatching had ovaries filled with vitellogenic oocytes ready for spawning. The reproductive output (effort) of each female (mean number of eggs: 552~1355) was not high. The mean embryo volume, 0.078 mm3, is relatively small, indicative of low energy allocation to each embryo. Recruitment of juveniles was closely linked to the breeding period, beginning in September.
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