ISSN : 2287-8327
Land cover changes associated with urbanization have driven climate change and pollution, which alter properties of ecosystems at local, regional, and continental scales. Thus, the relationships among urban ecological variables such as community composition, structure, health, soil and functioning need to be better understood to restore and improve urban ecosystems. In this study, we discuss urban ecosystem management and research from a futuristic perspective based on analyses of vegetation structure, composition, and succe-ssional trends, as well as the chemical properties of soils and the distribution of heat along an urban-rural gradient. Urban thermo-profile analysis using satellite images showed an obvious mitigating effect of vegetation on the Seoul heat island. Community attributes of Quercus mongolica stands reflected the effects of urbanization, such as pronounced increases in disturbance-related and pollution-tolerant species, such as Styrax japonica and Sorbus alnifolia. Retrogressive successional trends were detected in urban sites relative to those in rural sites. Changes in the urban climate and biotic environment have the potential to significantly influence the practice and outcomes of ecological management, restoration and forecasting because of the associated changes in future bio-physical settings. Thus, for management (i.e., creation and restoration) of urban green spaces, forward-thinking perspectives supported by historical information are necessary.
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