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  • P-ISSN2287-8327
  • E-ISSN2288-1220

Feeding behavior of the copepod Temora turbinata: clearance rate and prey preference on the diatom and microbial food web components in coastal area

Journal of Ecology and Environment / Journal of Ecology and Environment, (P)2287-8327; (E)2288-1220
2014, v.37 no.4, pp.225-229

Hideyuki Doi (Hiroshima University)
Yuichiro Nishibe (University of Tokyo)

Shin-ichi Nakano (Kyoto University)


Feeding behavior of Temora turbinata was investigated through laboratory experiments with special emphasis on its foodpreference and consequent clearance rate on diatom and microbial components given as common natural food assemblageof coastal area (Uchiumi, Uwa Sea, Japan). Among available prey items, T. turbinata showed the highest clearancerate for Thalassiosira spp. (0.23 ± 0.08 L Temora-1 day-1) followed by Chaetoceros spp. (0.11 ± 0.03 L Temora-1 day-1), butclearance rates for other diatom, Nitzschia spp. was lower (0.03 to 0.07 L Temora-1 day-1). Bacterial abundances showed noresponse against 24-h feeding of T. turbinata. Feeding of T. turbinata on heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) was apparentwhen clearance rates of T. turbinata on diatoms were relatively low, but T. turbinata did not consume HNF as well asciliates with Thalassiosira spp. of which clearance rate was highest. The results suggest that HNF and ciliates are possiblesupplementary prey item for T. turbinata, but their contribution as food sources can be limited by the presence of otherprey items such as preferable diatom species.

feeding experiment, HNF, Thalassiosira spp., Uwa Sea



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Journal of Ecology and Environment