ISSN : 2287-8327
Major objectives of the study were to analyze chemical and biological influences of the river ecosystem on the artificial weir construction at three regions of Sejong-Weir (Sj-W), Gongju-Weir (Gj-W), and Baekje-Weir (Bj-W) during 2008-2012. After the weir construction, the discharge volume increased up to 2.9 times, and biological oxygen demand (BOD) and electrical conductivity (EC) significantly decreased (p < 0.05). Also, the decrease of total phosphorus (TP) was also evident after the weir construction, but still hyper-eutrophic conditions, based on criteria by OECD (1982), were maintained. Multi-metric model of Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) showed that IBI values averaged 21.0 (range: 20-22; fair condition) in the Bwc, and 14.3 (range: 12-18; poor condition) in the Awc. The model values of IBI in Sj-W and Gj-W were significantly decreased after the weir construction. The model of Self-Organizing Map (SOM) showed that two groups (cluster I and cluster II) of Bwc and Awc were divided in the analysis based on the clustering map trained by the SOM. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was similar to the results of the SOM analysis. Taken together, this research suggests that the weir construction on the river modified the discharge volume and the physical habitat structures along with distinct changes of some chemical water quality. These physical and chemical factors influenced the ecosystem health, measured as a model value of IBI.
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