ISSN : 2287-8327
Background: Stoichiometry plays an important role in understanding nutrient composition and cycling processes in aquatic ecosystems. Previous studies have considered C:N:P ratios constant for both DOM (dissolved organic matter) and POM (particulate organic matter). In this study, water samples were collected in the six major rivers in Korea and were incubated for 20 days. C:N:P ratios were determined during the time course of the incubations. This allowed us to examine the changes in N and P contents of organic matter during decomposition. Results: POM and DOM showed significant differences in N and P content and the elemental ratios changed during the course of decomposition; DOM showed higher C:N and C:P ratios than POM, and the C:N and C:P ratios increased during decomposition, indicating the preferential mineralization of P over N and N over C. Conclusions: The N and P contents of organic matter in aquatic ecosystem are far from constant and vary significantly during decomposition. More detailed information on the changes in C:N:P ratios will provide improved understanding of decomposition processes and improved modeling of aquatic ecosystems.
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