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메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
과거로부터 현재에 이르기까지 치과의사와 기공사는 완전무치악 환자를 위한 총의치 제작을 위해 통상적이고 전통적인 방법을 제작에 이용하여 왔다. 이는개별적인 단계와 임상적인 술식으로 이루어지는 모든과정을 환자와 함께, 때로는 진료실과 기공실에서 행하는 과정인 최종인상 채득, 최종모형 제작, 교합제제작 및 악간관계기록 채득 과정, 교합평면의 결정 및인공치아 배열, 레진의 전입 및 온성, 의치 연마에 이르는 일련의 과정이다1). 1980년대에 상업적인 용도로CAD(Computer-aided design)/CAM(Computer-aided machining) 기술이 공업 일반에서 각광을 받으면서 치과영역에서도 고정성 보철물에 대한가능성이 타진되었으나, 초창기 치과영역에의 적용은1) 비용문제와 가공시간, 2) 스캔의 부정확성, 3) 보철물의 디자인에 대한 수리적인 복잡성, 4) 정밀하지못한 가공기술 등의 한계를 보였다2). 산업기술이 고도화 및 가속화됨에 따라 필요한 알고리즘이 개발되고기술력이 진보됨에 따라 Duret의 Sopha system3), Moermann의 Cerec system4),Andersson의 Procera system5) 등이 치과영역에서 CAD/CAM기술의 적용을 보여 주었으며 산업화를 가능하게 하였다.
Currently, computer-aided technology becomes one of main issues in clinical dentistry. About 25 years ago, the development of dental CAD/CAM systems for the fabrication of crowns and fixed partial dentures leads to be able to fabricate complete denture today. The fabrication of milled complete denture prostheses with digital scanning technology may decrease the number of patient appointments. However, the precise tooth arrangement and evaluation by patient is not promising relatively. The purpose of this review was to analyze the existing literature on compuper aided technology for fabricating complete denture with historical background, current status, and future perspectives. In addition, two available commercial systems were introduced.
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3. Duret F, Preston JD. CAD/CAM imaging in dentistry. Curr Opin Dent 1991;1:150-4.
4. Mormann WH, Brandestini M, Lutz F, Barbakow F. Chair side computer-aided direct ceramic inlays. Quintessence Int 1989;20:329-39.
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6. Maeda Y, Minoura M, Tsutsumi S, Okada M, Nokubi T. A CAD/CAM system for removable denture. Part I: Fabrication of complete dentures. Int J Prosthodont 1994;7:17-21.
7. Korean council on complete denture education. Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients. 2nd ed. Seoul; Yenang Inc.; 2014. p. 504-10.
8. Kawahata N, Ono Y, Nishi T, Hamano T, Nagaoka E. Trial of duplication procedure for complete dentures by CAD/CAM. J Oral Rehabil 1997;24:540-8.
9. Busch M, KordaβB. Concept and development of a computerized positioning of prosthetic teeth for complete dentures. Int J Comput Dent 2006;9(2):113-20.
10. Sun Y, Lü P, Wang Y. Study on CAD & RP for removable complete denture. Comput Met Pro Biomed 2009;93:266-72.
11. Lee JH, Sohn DS, Kim TH. A novel method of complete denture fabrication with CAD/CAM. J Kor Dent Ass 2013;51(6):337-45.
12. Infante L, Yilmaz B, McGlumphy E, Finger I. Fabrication complete dentures with CAD/CAM technology. J Prosthet Dent 2014;111(5):351-5.
13. Goodacre CJ, Garbacea A, Naylor WP, Daher T, Marchack CB, Lowry J. CAD/CAM fabricated complete dentures: Concepts and clinical methods of obtaining required morphological data. J Prosthet Dent 2012;107:34-46.
14. Bidra AS, Taylor TD, Agar JR. Computer-aided technology for fabricating complete dentures:systematic review of historical background, current status, and future á perspecives. J Prosthet Dent 2013;109:361-6.