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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to examine the diagnostic accuracy of the CBCL subscales for predicting DSM-IV Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) group without comorbid disorders from non-referred group. The sample included 118 children aged 6 to 11 (99 boys, 19 girls), who were referred to psychiatric hospitals and psychological clinics and were diagnosed by child psychiatrists and clinical psychologists based on the full-battery psychological evaluations and medical interviews. Statistical performance was conducted through univariate and multivariate stepwise logistic regressions as well as receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analyses. The Attention Problems subscale significantly predicted ADHD boys group from non-referred boys group and showed good diagnostic accuracy, as assessed through ROC analyses (AUC = .88). The Social Problem subscale significantly predicted ADHD girls group from non-referred girls group and showed good diagnostic accuracy, as assessed through ROC analyses (AUC = .90). CBCL subscales demonstrated good diagnostic effectiveness for diagnosing ADHD without comorbidity in children. Further research will be necessary to consider the importance of the sex distinction for discriminating ADHD group.
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