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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study investigated the effect of visuospatial rehabilitation training on the improvement of cognitive functions in schizophrenic patients. A total of 22 patients living at the Institute for Social Return participated. The rehabilitation group and the control group each consisted of 11 patients. The visuospatial training consists of 10 sub-programs, which were developed to train the visuomotor skills, visual perception, visual imagery & rotation, spatial perception and visual integration skills. Comprehensive neuropsychological tests such as Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test(ROCF), Trail-Making Test(TMT), Stroop test, d2 test, K-CVLT, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test(WCST) and PANSS were administered before and after the training. There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of demographic variables such as age, IQ, educational level, age of onset. The two groups did not differ on the performances of any of the neuropsychological tests and the PANSS scores administered prior to rehabilitation training. The rehabilitation group showed significantly improved performances on the copy condition of ROCF, TMT, part B and Stroop, Color-Word interference condition, which were administered after the training. However, the control group did not show these improvements. In addition, the rehabilitation group showed significantly reduced negative symptoms after training, but the control group did not. These results indicate that visuospatial training is effective not only for the improvement of visuospatial functioning, but also for attention. In addition, these results indicate the importance of cognitive rehabilitation for schizophrenic patients who are preparing for social return.
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