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This study was conducted to investigate facilitation and inhibition effects in obsessive-compulsive subjects and to examine the difference between OC subtypes. 902 undergraduate university students were asked to complete the Padua Inventory-Washington State University Revision (PI-WSUR). Based on their PI-WSUR scores, 22 students were assigned to obsessive-compulsive group and 21 were assigned to the control group. Subjects performed visuospatial priming tasks under two emotional conditions: neutral and threat. The priming tasks had three conditions: positive priming, baseline, negative priming. The results of 2 (groups: OC, control) x 2 (emotion: neutral, threat) x 3 (priming: positive, baseline, negative) mixed ANOVA showed a significant main effect of emotion and priming and a significant interaction effect of emotion and priming. Based on the priming condition, the facilitation and inhibition effects were calculated. Facilitation is the strength of stimulus activation and inhibition effect refers to the ability to suppress an irrelevant stimulus. There was no statistically significant difference between the total OC group and the control group. According to factor analysis of PI-WSUR, the OC group was divided into two different subtypes: autogenous obsession and reactive obsession. In a neutral emotion condition, the autogenous obsession group showed increased facilitation and decreased inhibition compared with the reactive obsession group. On the other hand, the performance patterns of the reactive obsession group were similar to those of the control group. These findings support heterogeneity in the OC group and the usefulness of subtyping.
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