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Child and adolescent psychotherapy has progressed considerably, as reflected in the number of controlled studies. Despite the progress, the methodological soundness and effectiveness of child and adolescent psychotherapy has not been confirmed in Korea. The purpose of the first study was to critically review the youth psychotherapy outcome studies involving treatment of anxiety, depression, ADHD and conduct or addiction-related problems and disorders. Eighty two studies, conducted from 1995 through 2010, were selected. The analysis revealed that many studies failed to use well-standardized procedures to ensure appropriate sample selection, measurement and experimental design. The purpose of the second study was to use mata-analysis to analyze the effects of well-designed children and adolescent psychotherapy that were selected in studies from 1995-2010. The overall mean effect size was .80 indicating that children and adolescent psychotherapy was highly effective overall. When mean effect sizes were compared according to moderator, the effect of therapy type and outcome type were significantly affected. The implications and limitations were discussed.
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