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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study examined the effects of a group mindfulness-based emotion regulation intervention(MBERI) on psychological health in a Korean sample of university students. Moreover, to shed light on the mechanisms of changes in the MBERI, this study proposed both emotion dysregulation and mindfulness as potential mediators of treatment changes on the basis of literature review. Forty-five participants in the MBERI group and 50 those in a psychoeducation group completed the measures of psychological health and proposed mediators at pre-intervention, after session 4, and post-intervention. In addition, participants in the MBERI group completed all of the same scales once again at 1-month follow-up. Compared to the participants in the psychoeducation group, those in the MBERI group demonstrated decreases in depressive symptoms, general negative affect, and emotion dysregulation, as well as increases in psychological well-being, life satisfaction, and mindfulness. Early reductions in emotion dysregulation mediated the short-term effects of the MBERI on depressive symptoms, general negative affects, and psychological well-being, but early increases in mindfulness did not. Short-term reductions in emotion dysregulation were significantly associated with long-term changes in depressive symptoms, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction. In addition, short-term improvements in mindfulness were significantly correlated with long-term changes in life satisfaction. In conclusion, these findings suggest that a group MBERI leads to improvements in university students' psychological health, which are mediated through changes in emotion dysregulation, and that some of its long-term effects may be mediated through short-term improvements in mindfulness.
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