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Risk-taking behaviors result from the imbalance between affective Hot system and rational Cool system. This imbalance is affected by ambivalence and metacognition. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ambivalence and metacognition on drinking behaviors as risk-taking behaviors. In order to create naturalistic groups based on actual data, we used cluster analysis. A four-cluster solution was selected for representation of data. Cluster 1 represented high ambivalence and high metacognition, Cluster 2 represented low ambivalence and high metacognition, Cluster 3 represented low ambivalence and low metacognition, and Cluster 4 represented high ambivalence and low metacognition. In addition, the analysis examined differences in alcohol use within groups. Cluster 1 had a lower frequency of drinking, a smaller amount of drinking, a lower level of obsessive alcohol thought, and a superior stage of change, compared with the other clusters. Results of correlation analyses indicated that both ambivalence and metacognition were related to drinking behaviors. These results suggest that the balance between Hot system and Cool system is essential for healthy drinking. Therefore, understanding the balance between the systems may be needed in order to resolve drinking problems.
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