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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to examine the similarities and distinctiveness among Postraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Major depressive disorder (MDD), and co-occuring PTSD and Depressive disorder (DD) with MMPI-2-RF. Data of 187 patients (59 with PTSD, 69 with MDD, 59 with PTSD+DD) were collected from the Department of Psychiatry of three university hospitals. Using Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF), clinical characteristics were compared to determine which scale has utility in differentiating among the groups. Significant differences in all of the Higher-Order (H-O) Scales, almost of the Restructured Clinical Scales and the Specific Problems Scales were observed among three groups. Multinominal logistic regression analyses showed that Emotion/Internalizing Dysfunction (EID) and Thought Dysfunction (THD) in H-O Scales were useful in differentiating between PTSD and MDD. Emotion/ Internalizing Dysfunction (EID) in H-O Scale, Malaise(MLS) in Somatic/Cognitive Scales and Negative Emotionality/Neuroticism-Revised (NEGE-r) in PSY-5 Scales were significant predictors in distinguishing comorbid group from PTSD. The results suggest that there are distinct clinical characteristics among the three groups, although PTSD, MDD, and comorbid group share many symptoms.
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