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The present study aimed to investigate the maladaptive effects of perfectionistic self-presentation on social anxiety. Additionally, social self-efficacy was examined as a moderator between perfectionistic self-presentation and social interaction anxiety. A total of 179 Korean undergraduate students participated in the study. Participants completed the Korean version of the Perfectionistic Self Presentation scale, Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, and Self Efficacy for Social Situation scale. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that when self-efficacy was low, the high perfectionistic self-presentational group showed a significantly higher social anxiety than the low perfectionistic self-presentational group. However, a significant difference in social anxiety was not observed in the case of high self-efficacy. That is, individual self-efficacy for interpersonal situations moderated the negative effect of perfectionistic self-presentation on social interaction anxiety. This study could be useful in implementing appropriate intervention plans for socially anxious people with concerns of perfection and competence. The potential implications for clinical applications and directions for future research were also discussed.
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