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Recently, psychopathology studies have focused on the high level of comorbidity between anxiety and depression and have begun searching for shared psychological mechanisms that exist between the diagnoses. In this study, we investigated the effects of maladaptive self-focused attention and rumination on social anxiety and depression as common factors. To test this, we examined maladaptive self-focused attention, rumination, social anxiety, and depression among 531 undergraduate students and analyzed these data through structural equation modeling. Major findings of the study were twofold. First, maladaptive self-focused attention and rumination showed a significant positive correlation with social anxiety and depression. Second, maladaptive self-focused attention affected social anxiety and depression directly but it also affected social anxiety and depression via rumination. The results of this study indicated that maladaptive self-focused attention and rumination are common risk factors for social anxiety and depression. Several implications of these results and limitations of the study are discussed.
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