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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
In this study, 604 inmates in correctional facilities were classified into four types of crime in order to identify the characteristics of their crime patterns, and the character-assessment questionnaire (PAI-PS) they conducted was analyzed through ANOVA One-Way Analysis and Cluster Analysis to examine their psychological and emotional characteristics. Significant differences were found between the types of crime in the SOM, SOM-H, MAN, MAN-A, BOR, BOR-S, ANT, ANT-A, and ALC scales on clinical scales, and AGG and AGG-A on treatment and interpersonal scales. AGG-P, NON, and DOM scales showed differences between crime types. The results of a cluster analysis to find out how inmates are distinguished according to scores on the PAI-PS scale and the sub-scale showed that Cluster 1 was divided into ‘Sentence and Accident Instability Group’, Cluster 2 was ‘Dpression and Stress-Host Group’ and Cluster 3 was ‘Groups that do not complain of psychological and emotional problems’. This study is meaningful in that it provides information for individual understanding of water types in calibration facilities by identifying PAI-PS profile characteristics according to crime types and analyzing clusters according to scores of PAI-PS scales and sub-scale, which could provide basic data for each type of treatment program suitable for each type of water type in the calibration system.
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