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Controlling Behavior as a Mediator between Adult Anxious Attachment and Intimate Partner Violence


This study examined whether controlling behavior mediates the effects of anxious attachment on intimate partner violence(IPV). It was hypothesized that anxiously attached individuals show controlling behavior, which in turn, affects the likelihood of intimate partner violence to occur. A total sample of 2,000 adults male completed self-report measures of Controlling Behavior, Experiences in Close Relationship Scale (ECR), and the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2) as a part of a study on Violence Against Women conducted by Korean Institute of Criminology. Findings showed that anxious attachment, controlling behavior and intimate partner violence were positively correlated. Also, mediation analysis showed that effects of anxious attachment on intimate partner violence were fully mediated by controlling behavior.

불안애착, 통제행동, 데이트폭력, 정신적 폭력, 신체적 폭력, 성폭력, Adult anxious attachment, Controlling behavior, Intimate partner violenc



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