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Effect on Advertisement's Creative Thinking and Behavior by Social Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence as Individual Psychological Feature


This study is to confirm the effect on creative thinking and creative behavior of advertisement's creative tendency by social intelligence and emotional intelligence as individual psychological feature of AE, an advertisement planner who has a business feature of establishing a creative advertisement strategy through a cooperation between an advertisement company with a production team, etc. internally and a relationship with an advertiser externally. As a result of study, it was found out that in terms of an advertisement's creative thinking, a motivation, social skill, and ability development of social intelligence had a positive effect and in terms of an advertisement's creative behavior, a motivation, understanding of others, social skill, and ability development of social intelligence had a positive effect. In addition, it was found out that an emotional adjustment and emotional utilization of emotional intelligence had a positive effect on advertisement's creative thinking and an emotional understanding, emotional adjustment and emotional utilization of emotional intelligence had a positive effect on advertisement's creative behavior. In the above study, it was found that a social intelligence and emotional intelligence as individual psychological feature had an effect on advertisement's creative tendency of AE in an advertisement firm. In a practical view, the activation of social intelligence and emotional intelligence to improve AE's creativity ultimately has a practical significance in aspects to improve a business of an advertisement firm and a corporate marketing outcome.

social intelligence, emotional intelligence Advertisement creative tendency, creative thinking, creative behavior



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