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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This research's purpose is to know the impact of advertising on consumer's regret resolution and product attitude. Even after their purchase decisions on consumers own choice not to have confidence or fear, and they will suffer a sense of regret. Therefore, consumers will be resolving their regret because regret state is like a feeling of uneasiness. At this point, the contents of the selected products of the positive impact will be in the advertising. Advertising for the consumer the choice of social support they receive, and conformity is going to be resolved to their regret for the attitude of the product will also increase. To the regret of the consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the factors that influence the function. Therefore, this research through the ads affect consumers about any regrets after the purchase was to pay attention to advertising. So, the after cause regret, the ad shows a group and not to break it up into groups to purchase and then regret it caused the group to look at ads to influence the saw, the second to affect any ads, we look at the Ad's social support level (high / low) * media type (multiple media / minority media) were present to the ad. Based on research, advertising is products attitudes of consumers and regret resolution that affects found positive. In particular, the ads, High social support level is more positive effect on regret resolution and product attitude, and the effect of advertising message that appears if a few Medium was able to see. This research shown that post-purchase of the effect and give us advertising's new role.
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