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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study was to test of model for sport sponsorship effect. We hypothesized sport sponsorship was consisted of sport component, i.e., attitude for sport, sport status, and sport popularity, sponsor component such as attitude for sponsor, expectation for sponsor, and goal of sponsoring, and sponsorship effect such as improvement of sponsor image, purchasing intention, and attitude for brand. In addition, it was hypothesized that perceived fitness between sport event and sponsor will mediate to sponsorship effect. A total of 375 university students was participated in this study. We conducted structure equation modeling in order to test our propositions. The results showed that generic model for building a theory was not suitable for this study. In other words, it was indicated that components of sponsoring enterprise, esp. sponsor goal, were more influential than sport component on sponsoring effect in the results of test of models of sponsorship effect including mediation model. These results implied that consumers evaluated sponsoring goal and expectation for enterprise importantly in sponsorship. Thus, it will be necessary for enterprise to sponsor sport event with non-commercial goal and an activity of social contribution.
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