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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The medical market has anew paradigm of expanded medical advertisement due to the opening of medical market and changes and intensified competition in it. This study tries to find the consumers’ attitude toward medical advertisement in their selection of hospital under this new paradigm. To find out if there is any difference in the consumers’ attitude toward medical advertisements according to the size of hospital, suitability of messages, and advertisement background, 2ⅹ2ⅹ2 factor design was used. This study found that there was significant difference in the consumers’ attitude toward medical advertisements according to the size of hospital and the suitability of the factors they consider in the selection of hospital. There was also significant difference in the advertisement background effect and the recognition of significance according to the size of hospital. And in the recognition of significance of advertisement attributes, there was significant difference only in advertisement model according to the size of hospital.
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