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The Effects of Product Type, Purchase Experience and Perceived Risk on Purchase Deferral in Online Shopping


This study focused on effects of product type, purchase experience and perceived risk on purchase deferral in online shopping. The result of this study are as follows. First, the online purchase deferral is more high for high perceived risk than low perceived risk. Second, in the case of experience goods, the online purchase deferral is more low for more purchasing experience than less purchasing experience. But there is no difference between the two in the search goods. Finally, there is three-way interaction among independent variable. In other word, in the case of search goods, when perceived risk is low, the online purchase deferral is more high for more purchasing experience than less purchasing experience. In the case of experience goods, when perceived risk is low, the online purchase deferral is more high for less purchasing experience than more purchasing experience. But there is no interaction between the two in the high perceived risk. This study focused on effects of variables on purchase deferral in online shopping, but next study needs to examine the classification by online shopping purchase deferral's reason.

online shopping, purchase deferral, product type, purchase experience, perceived risk



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