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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study aims to find out the influence of beauty on one's overall life. To examine the power of beauty, we used projective still-photo technique for survey questionnaire. The results show that people think and infer that beautiful people are more satisfactory on overall life than less beautiful ones. Also the “power of beauty” have influence on evaluation of personal characters, family life, business life and leisure life. In contrast, participants did not think that beautiful person have better economic, social and political ability. Beautiful appearance influence on intellectual ability, business and occupational ability, economic ability, and relationship ability mostly. Furthermore, Beauty can be regarded as exerting power more on man than women in most of the three domains: Individual characteristics (innate personal characters), personal life (family, business, and leisure life), and public life (economic, social, and political life). Especially, man's beauty have an effects on his ability most of all life domain, buth woman's beauty have an limited effects on personal characteristics, and private life domain. Current research is meaningful in synthetically and systematically finding out the influence of beauty which is prevailing in this society, and extracting unconscious thoughts of individuals therefore ascertaining unconscious and in-depth psychological background of the power of beauty.
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