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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
In this study we aimed to 1) compare a yoga group to a student group in terms of body-related values, self-objectification, body esteem and intension about plastic surgery and 2) examine the causal models in which objectification and self-esteem play mediatory roles between body-related values and intension about plastic surgery. Two groups of women, 153 yoga teachers and 168 undergraduate students, filled out a questionnaire designed to measure body-related values such as operability, inclination, and social instrumentality, objectification variables such as shame and surveillance, body esteem, and body-related behaviors including the intension about plastic surgery. It was revealed that the yoga group had more conservative body values, lower surveillance and shame, higher body-esteem, and low intension about plastic surgery than the student group. These differences between two groups were still valid though the effects of age on those variables were controlled. For the yoga group, the interrelationship between body-related values and self-objectification and body-esteem was low, and the body-esteem had no significant predictive power on the behavioral intension. In case of the college student group, the mediatory role of the self-objectification variable and the body-esteem in terms of the intension about plastic surgery was cleary demonstrated. The Implications of the results for further research were discussed.
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