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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study analyzed the contents of the articles published in the Korean Journal of Consumer and Advertising Psychology from 2000 to 2009. During the 10 years, a total of 171 articles were published and analyzed. For a content analysis, the items of the research type, the author, the research topic, the type of participants, method, and the reference were selected. The results showed that the number of co-author papers was much more than that of single author papers. Most of authors belonged to university and very few authors belonged to industry. The number of articles about consumer psychology was 127, the number of articles about advertising psychology was 43, and 1 for statistical technique article. Most of articles(115) used college students as participants. In the case of research method, 157 articles of quantitative study, 12 articles of qualitative study, and 10 articles of theoretical review study were published. Finally future research directions and tasks in Korean consumer and advertising psychology were discussed based on the content analysis.
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