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ISSN : 1229-8778
This study aims to investigate trends of the Korean advertising industry and to discuss the issues of future research in Psychology. Specifically, we explore socioeconomic factors related to the change and the development of Korean advertising industry. In addition to this, we suggest some issues of psychological research in studying the advertising industry as a macroeconomic approach. To achieve this, data was collected from national statistics of the ‘Advertising Yearbook’ from 1998 to 2009, which includes media, business types and main advertisers as well as general indices such as GDP, price index, and international payments. Results show that advertising expenditures of traditional media (i.e., public TV, radio, newspaper, and magazine) tend to be diminished while those of new media (i.e., cable TV, Internet, and digital multimedia broadcasting) tend to be rapidly increased in the total amount of advertising industries for the last 12-years. Also, the result indicates that advertising expenditures are significantly correlated to economic indices of Korean industry such as GDP, price index, and international payments. We suggest that the growth of Korean advertising industry is closely related to the socioeconomic trend which entails the change of business environments and consumer trends. Finally, we discuss some implications and limitations of this study.
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