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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study analyzed the effects of regulatory fit between individuals' regulatory focus and message framing on consumer responses to company's apologia. We applied regulatory focus theory to crisis communication strategies to develop a hypothetical model about the antecedents that may influence consumers' responses to company's apologia about unexpected crisis events, and specified consumer responses into reponses to the apologia and responses to the company. We suggest that consumers' reponses to company's apologia are influenced by their regulatory goal and are influenced by the fit between their regulatory focus and message framing. To test the hypothesized model, we used a 2(prevention versus promotion regulatory focus) × 2(prevention-focused versus promotion-focused message framing) experimental design, in which both variables are manipulated as between-subjects factors. Twelve items were developed to measure participants' regulatory goal. We classified participants into prevention focus or promotion focus based on their responses to regulatory goal and we developed prevention-focused and promotion-focused messages. We found that participants with promotion goal gave more favorable evaluations toward the company's apologia than those with those with prevention goal. In addition, we confirmed the regulatory fit effects in participants' responses to company's apologia. The results of this study provide very useful managerial implications about how to handle the crisis events that a company may face. Company managers need to develop message framing for apologia, considering stake-holders' regulatory goal. Lastly, we discussed contributions and the limitations of this study, and suggested future research directions.
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