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A study on the effects of advertising placement format and TV program involvement on consumers' memory and attitude toward advertising


This study is conducted to investigate any differential effects of in-program advertising format and before/after-program advertising format in terms of consumer's ad memory and attitude toward advertising. Also, it attempted to find out how advertising memory and attitude toward ad are affected by the level of involvement with TV programs. The results showed that in-program advertising format demonstrated higher recall and recognition of brand name and ad message than before/after-program advertising format. The overall difference in attitude toward ad between in-program and before/after-program ad formats was not noticeable. The in-program ad format was perceived to be more “disrupting TV program watching” than before/after-program ad format. In general, however, both ad formats were linked to consumers' negative attitude toward advertising. Recall and recognition of brand name and ad message were much higher for TV programs with low involvement level. And consumers perceived advertisements in highly involvement TV program to be more bothering and useless. From the findings of the study, it can be suggested that the introduction of in-program advertising practice for network television should provide opportunity to overcome ad clutter and eventually improve consumers' memory of ads.

television advertising format, advertising clutter, order effect, recall, recognition, attitude toward advertising



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