ISSN : 1229-8778
There is need of specific study on the effect of online postscript because online postscript of other consumers' experience of purchase and usage is acting increasingly important as criteria factor on purchase intention. This study analyzed empirically receptive degree of online postscript content types in situation of interaction with product involvement and risk perception. First, high involvement product is showed bigger receptive degree of online postscript than low involvement product. In the difference of online postscript content types according to involvement level, high involvement product is showed bigger receptive degree to negative content type but low involvement product is showed no difference between two types. Second, high risk perception product is showed bigger receptive degree of online postscript than low involvement product. In the difference of online postscript content types according to perception level, receptive degree to negative content type is bigger in regardless of risk perception level, Third, interaction effect between product involvement and risk perception operated receptive degree of online postscript. In the difference of online postscript content types according to involvement level and perception level, high involvement or high risk perception product is showed bigger receptive degree to negative content type, but low involvement and low risk perception product is showed bigger receptive degree to positive content type.
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