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Influence of Inferred Majority on Consumers' Attitude Change: From the Perspective of Need for Cognitive Closure


This study investigated how socially inferred majority opinions function in consumer decision making for movie viewing and how consumer's need for cognitive closure does at this time when majority opinions differ his/her own. The results indicated that people with high need for closure consider their own schema or stereotype importantly instead of other people opinion in early times of knowledge formation of a subject. And even if a consumer have his/her own opinion, generally most of people tend to accept majority when they are informed other people of majority. However, people with high need for closure tend to hold their own opinion relatively in early times. But people with low need for closure tend to be increased opinion convergence toward majority. Based on these results, several implication and recommendation were discussed.

Need for Cognitive Closure, Enduring Involvement, Attitude Change, Movie, Word-of-Mouth(WOM)



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