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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The full-fledged internet media environment is accelerating companies to create their own brand communities with company driven marketing efforts. However, luckily or deservedly, some companies do not have to make efforts to own theircompany-driven brand communities. They have so called customer-driven online brand communities that are being operated and managed by only customers’ spontaneity and contributions. In highly competitive environment, having customer-driven brand communities should be one of the biggest advantages in terms of cost-saving and raising their brand loyalty due to its intrinsic spontaneity. In this context, the authors focus their research interest in order to find the latent variables affecting the customers’spontaneity to generate and manage customer-driven brand communities with exploratory method. The results are as followings: first, fashion, computer, game device, mobile, MP3, and automobile industry seem more proper categories to have customer-driven online brand communities; second, they also fallinto high-involvement and high-thinking area; third, many of them are privately-consumed and experience-sharing goods; finally, there are more experiential goods than search goods.
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