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The influence of implicit and explicit attitude on eco-friendly behavior and eco-product(Rice) according to priming of environmental norm


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the implicit and explicit attitude on eco-friendly behavior and eco-product(rice) by priming of environmental norm. Many studies have identified the link between environmental norm and eco-friendly behavior. But this research focused on both of implicit and explicit attitude which can play a role between environmental norm and eco-friendly. The result showed that the priming of environmental norm was related with explicit attitude than implicit attitude. And we could see the difference of effect on eco-friendly behavior and purchase intention of eco-product by implicit and explicit attitude. It was statistically significant that explicit attitude explained eco-friendly behavior and purchase intention of eco-product. but implicit attitude was related only with eco-friendly behavior in condition of non-priming of environmental norm. This study implies that the investigation of implicit and explicit attitude is important to understand consumer behavior when social desirability affect the decision-making of respondent.

priming of environmental norm, implicit attitude, explicit attitude, eco-friendly behavior, eco-product



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