open access
ISSN : 1229-8778
This study was performed to examine how the attitudes towards innovative new products are affected by consumers' self-construal. In the study, we devided the innovative new products into two types: market based innovation and technology based innovation. For the market based innovation, technologies from different product catagories are applied to create a new product. For technology based innovation, a new product is created by making improvements to the existing product. The results for independent self participants show higher attitudes for the market based innovation type. However, for the interdependent self participants it was difficult to differenciate the attitudes when comparing the market and technology based innovations. The interdependent self participants mostly prefered existing products rather than the new products. The study implicates the importance of planning innovation strategies depending on the consumers' character.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the implicit and explicit attitude on eco-friendly behavior and eco-product(rice) by priming of environmental norm. Many studies have identified the link between environmental norm and eco-friendly behavior. But this research focused on both of implicit and explicit attitude which can play a role between environmental norm and eco-friendly. The result showed that the priming of environmental norm was related with explicit attitude than implicit attitude. And we could see the difference of effect on eco-friendly behavior and purchase intention of eco-product by implicit and explicit attitude. It was statistically significant that explicit attitude explained eco-friendly behavior and purchase intention of eco-product. but implicit attitude was related only with eco-friendly behavior in condition of non-priming of environmental norm. This study implies that the investigation of implicit and explicit attitude is important to understand consumer behavior when social desirability affect the decision-making of respondent.
The present study develop and validate Consumers’ perceived Product Innovation Scale. In study 1, review studies and conduct Focus Group Interview to define the consumers’ perceived product innovation and develop items by defined operation definition. Conducted the exploratory factor analysis with high level innovation product and middle level product and explored a correlation with the items in advanced study and compared between the innovation level of two product. In result, extracted 2-factor structure and 10 items and revealed around .7 correlation coefficients with the items of Ryu et al.(2006) and around .5 correlation coefficients with the items of moreau etc.(2001). The developed scale distinguish between high level innovation product and middle level product. In study 2, the 2-factor structure of the scale identified on study 1 was supported by confirmatory factor analysis using a structural equation modeling. The result of confirmatory factor analysis showed that 2-factor model had a better fit to the data than the 1 factor model in the advanced studies. The developed scale has additional R-square in purchase attitude and purchase intent than the items in Ryu et al.(2006)’s research. In addition, consumers' perceived product innovation has a positive influence to an acceptance of innovation product and there’s differences between the R-square of two products. Finally, the implication, limitations, and future directions of this study are discussed.
This research investigates psychological mechanism of consumer’s preference for unlimited option about service which provides intangible products. Across two studies, we figure out the effect of consumer’s bias (loss possibility, optimism bias) goes after mental account and prospect about future, focus on temporal distance between purchasing and using. Study 1 is about effect of mental account and loss possibility. According to logistic regression analysis only the loss possibility and setting of mental account affect the preference for unlimited option. Through the additional chi-square analysis, they find out ‘plural mental account’ group prefer ‘normal option’ opposite to the ‘single mental account’ group which prefer ‘unlimited option’ in the presence of loss possibility. Study 2 is about the optimism bias, another factor that can affect prospect about future. Logistic regression analysis shows significant effect of optimism bias on the preference of unlimited alternative. And ‘Low optimism bias’ group prefer ‘normal option’ opposite to the ‘High optimism bias’ group which prefer ‘unlimited option’ in the presence of loss possibility. The studies show that consumer can consider suitable alternative by separate their mental accounts or lower the optimism bias about controllability. This reveals the consumer’s psychological mechanism appear on the service product and suggests consumer centered implication that can make consumer consider appropriate option.
This study focused on shelf-life labeling standards which are reflected in quality, safety and freshness of foods, medicines and cosmetics. The purpose of the present study was to examine how consumers interpret the meaning of shelf-life related information such as Sell by date, Use by date, Best before or Date of minimum durability and to reveal various reasons of those interpretations. Above all, we reviewed current laws on shelf-life labeling standards to investigate problems in the aspects of institutional system. And then, we explored the how and the why of dealing with expired products, the reason of causing product to expire, and the meaning of shelf-life labeling standards from consumer's standpoint. Using group depth interview with university students and housewives showed the following results. Most of respondents expressed shelf-life period about all kinds of products as ‘Sell by Date’ and misinterpret ‘Sell by Date’ as ‘Use by Date’ or ‘Expiration Date’. They strictly interpreted shelf-life period of foods and medical preparations and threw them out despite eatables. Contrarily, they were generous in the interpretation of shelf-life period of OTC medicines and cosmetics. In particular, the aged housewives(over 65 years) were overly generous in the interpretation of shelf-life period of all products. Finally, we discussed suggestions toward institutional improvements, consumer education of shelf-life dating system.
A new media, SNS have shown fast growth in the last few years and increasing its impact throughout our society, and also have revealed various problems throughout our society along with the mature of SNS growth rate. Based on the background, this study proposes a SNS continuing usage model, which is based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory and the Technology Acceptance Model. This model shows the structural relationships among four major functions (expert search, communication and connection, content sharing, and identity) for SNS usage, the perceived usefulness on SNS and the perceived ease of use in SNS, SNS gratifications, a continuing usage intention for SNS, and network factors and SNS self-efficacy, which are social-psychological variables. Considering actual SNS users’ demographic features, this research collected data (n=522) so that generalization of the findings in this study is possible. The findings revealed that three major variables for SNS function perceptions (expert search, communication and connection, identity) except the ‘content sharing’ construct positively affected perceived usefulness in SNS and perceived ease of use in SNS. Perceived usefulness in SNS and perceived ease of use in SNS by these SNS function perceptions directly affect SNS gratifications. Unlike the proposed hypothesis, perceived usefulness in SNS did not affect continuing usage intention for SNS and like the proposed hypothesis, perceived ease of use in SNS affected continuing usage intention for SNS. Interestingly, unlike the proposed hypothesis, network factors and SNS self-efficacy, which are social-psychological variables as an external factor, do not affect either SNS gratifications or continuing usage intention for SNS. This result shows an evidence meaning the network factors through SNS actually does not work. This study also found an effect of SNS self-efficacy on both SNS gratifications and continuing usage intention for SNS, as hypothesized so that it confirmed that SNS self-efficacy is an important internal factor for continuing usage for SNS. This study discusses theoretical meanings and insights within the findings to increase continuing usage intention for SNS, and provides managerial implication directions for strategical, successful utilizations of SNS as a marketing communication tool.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of using magazines and SNS ads in multimedia environment to consumer who are exposed to various media environments. In the existing research, it suggested that advertising effect in complex media is greater than in single medium and difference in advertising effect in the situation using multiple types of ads occurs depending on exposure order. Accordingly, this study presents a method according to the exposure order, in SNS-Magazine, Magazine-SNS order. In this study, to increase external validity, natural exposure environment similar to the actual media exposure situation was made and 105 male and female college students are participated in. By using Tablet PC for SNS Media and Magazine consisted of 20 pages like actual magazine, tried to acquire realistic data. The result of the study is that company SNS ad was more effective than the individual SNS advertising regarding recall and recognition. In addition, in the complex media situation, brand attitude and purchase intention have a significant difference depending on the exposure order and the type of SNS ads. In individual SNS advertising, brand attitude and purchase intention was higher in the magazine-SNS order than in SNS-magazine order. In company SNS advertising, brand attitude, purchase intention was higher in the SNS-magazine order than in magazine-SNS order. This study includes practical implications that the synergistic effects by using complex media need to be considered about the exposure order depending on the types of SNS for practitioners who are willing to do ad campaign through SNS in complex media environment as a result of verifying that there is positive advertising effect depending on types of advertising using SNS media and the exposure order in complex media situation.
This study addresses following research questions: (1) What effect do consumer's decision-making style and self-monitoring on price perception behavior(PPB)? (2) Do linkage between decision-making style and self- monitoring on PPB depend on different types of consumer groups by their lifestyles? Total of 248 valid questionnaire survey was collected and analyzed, ages between 20s~40s. The results indicated that consumers with such propensities as brand-seeking, quality-seeking, confused, fashion-seeking, and impulse buying, showed positive significance to PPB, whereas time-saving showed negative significance. For those with high self-monitoring showed positive significance with low-cost oriented PPB. In analyzing the moderating effect of different lifestyle types between decision-making style and PPB, fashion-concerned, active relationship-seeking, family-oriented, self-trust showed positive significance to PPB, whereas only fashion-concerned showed significance in relationship between the self-monitoring and PPB. The study provided potential framework for customized selling and purchasing tactics for today's consumers by understanding the causal linkages among different decision-making styles to different PPBs along with different lifestyles consumers possess.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of sub-category types on the product assessment and the moderating effect of consumers' self-regulatory focus. The design of this research was comprised of 2(sub-categorization: expected vs. unexpected) × 2 (self-regulatory focus: prevention focus vs. promotion focus) between subjects factorial design. The results of study 1 and 2 can be summarized as follows. Both study 1 and study 2 showed the same results. Hypothesis 1 was supported, showing that consumers were more positive about the products that used unexpected sub-category than those of expected sub-category. Hypothesis 2 was partially supported. For Hypothesis 2-1, it was expected that those who were prevention focused would be likely to evaluate expected sub-category product more positively than unexpected one, but as an analytic result, it showed that there was no statistically significant difference. In contrast, for Hypothesis 2-2, those who were promotion focused showed a higher value on the unexpected sub-category than the expected one, which was supported by the statistically significant difference. Hypothesis 2-1 was not supported because the experimental product was not a complex product, but an ordinary product that was well known in everyday lives, and the product with affordable prices was selected. It is probable that consumers have less perception of negativity since the behavior of purchase at a coffee shop does not cause any big burden of risk. Therefore, if we proceed with our further studies by selecting digital electronics products or fashion products whose purchasing prices are formed a little higher or the burden of risk is higher when making a purchase, we can get different consequences.