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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This research investigates psychological mechanism of consumer’s preference for unlimited option about service which provides intangible products. Across two studies, we figure out the effect of consumer’s bias (loss possibility, optimism bias) goes after mental account and prospect about future, focus on temporal distance between purchasing and using. Study 1 is about effect of mental account and loss possibility. According to logistic regression analysis only the loss possibility and setting of mental account affect the preference for unlimited option. Through the additional chi-square analysis, they find out ‘plural mental account’ group prefer ‘normal option’ opposite to the ‘single mental account’ group which prefer ‘unlimited option’ in the presence of loss possibility. Study 2 is about the optimism bias, another factor that can affect prospect about future. Logistic regression analysis shows significant effect of optimism bias on the preference of unlimited alternative. And ‘Low optimism bias’ group prefer ‘normal option’ opposite to the ‘High optimism bias’ group which prefer ‘unlimited option’ in the presence of loss possibility. The studies show that consumer can consider suitable alternative by separate their mental accounts or lower the optimism bias about controllability. This reveals the consumer’s psychological mechanism appear on the service product and suggests consumer centered implication that can make consumer consider appropriate option.
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