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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study focused on shelf-life labeling standards which are reflected in quality, safety and freshness of foods, medicines and cosmetics. The purpose of the present study was to examine how consumers interpret the meaning of shelf-life related information such as Sell by date, Use by date, Best before or Date of minimum durability and to reveal various reasons of those interpretations. Above all, we reviewed current laws on shelf-life labeling standards to investigate problems in the aspects of institutional system. And then, we explored the how and the why of dealing with expired products, the reason of causing product to expire, and the meaning of shelf-life labeling standards from consumer's standpoint. Using group depth interview with university students and housewives showed the following results. Most of respondents expressed shelf-life period about all kinds of products as ‘Sell by Date’ and misinterpret ‘Sell by Date’ as ‘Use by Date’ or ‘Expiration Date’. They strictly interpreted shelf-life period of foods and medical preparations and threw them out despite eatables. Contrarily, they were generous in the interpretation of shelf-life period of OTC medicines and cosmetics. In particular, the aged housewives(over 65 years) were overly generous in the interpretation of shelf-life period of all products. Finally, we discussed suggestions toward institutional improvements, consumer education of shelf-life dating system.
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