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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study was to identified Korea in luxury consumption behavior of consumers and what are the factors involved were investigated. These factors also affect brand purchase intention was to check up on. This luxury brand purchase motivations and benefits, and losses due to the use and disposition of Koreans from the factor analysis of psychological characteristics Uzzul(boasting) with the impact on brand purchase intention was found. To solve these problems, first, by conducting pre-purchase motivations and use of luxury on benefits, and loss of use of the scale factors were made. As a result, purchase motivation factors demonstrate satisfaction, quality, power, belonging, design power and brand power were five sub-factors. These factors and the design power of the sense of belonging and a luxury brand power to influence a purchase decision were identified. Second, the benefits of buying and using personal benefits factor, practical benefits, physical benefits, social benefits were identified as the four factors. Personal benefits of these factors, practical benefits and social benefits to influence brand purchase decision were identified. Third, the loss factor due to the use of luxury counterfeits mistaken results confirmed the loss, psychological loss has been identified as the two factors, the loss factor due to the use of these luxury brand purchase intention was found to have no significant effect. Fourth, the psychological characteristics of Koreans Uzzul(boasting) acknowledged the relative orientation of the configuration factors, self-esteem, demonstrate propensity, superiority, inferiority, self-centered in the six factors were identified. Recognition of these factors relative to factors that affect brand purchase intention was found. The results of the present study of Koreans on luxury purchasing motivation, and psychological attributes and abroad by identifying domestic marketing strategies in the sense of luxury that is expected to be material.
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