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Consumers' Personality Traits and Responses to Mobile Advertising: Moderating Effects of The Perceived Utility


In mobile advertising based on smart-media, consumer's choice has been more strongly addressed than direct responses to advertising because mobile ads require active participation to consumers with two-way communication. This study aims to examine the effect of personality traits on the SMART mobile advertising. Also, this paper assumes that the perceived utility has a moderating effect on relationships between personality traits and responses to advertising. Using data collected from students at Korean Universities, the proposed hypotheses receive support in that two traits (agreeableness and openness to experience) are strongly associated with credibility and attitude toward mobile ads. Interestingly, results also show that a trait (conscientiousness) is related to the ad credibility through motivational contingent on different levels of perceived utilities. In same vein, agreeableness is associated with the attitude toward mobile ads via the perceived utilities. Theoretical implications to the personality traits literature are discussed along with practical suggestions to manager that are responsible for advertising and marketing.

mobile advertising, personality traits, perceived utility, responses to advertising



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