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The Effects of Matching Temporal Distance and Regulatory-focus Frame on Preference: The Role of Self-Congruity on Political Persuasion


This study was to be designed to provide insights of the effects of temporal distance(TD) and regulatory focus frame(RF) on message evaluation(ME) and candidate's attitude(ATC), and to figure out how the effect changes according to actual-ideal self congruity. Firstly, we examined ME and ATC in two messages of RF(i.e., promotion and prevention focus) on the two conditions of TD(i.e., near future and distant future). We could not find a significant difference of ME and ATC. Secondly, under the ideal self congruity condition, we found the significant effects on ME and ATC with appropriate TD and RF(i.e., matching near future and prevention focus, or distant future and promotion focus,), but under actual self congruity condition, we could not find either main or interactive effects of TD and RF on ME and ATC. Commonly through experiment 1 and 2, under ideal self congruity condition, there were higher ME and ATC in promotion focus than in prevention focus on the distant future. This output represented moderating roles of self-congruity on political persuasion. And practical as well as theoretical implications were also discussed.

temporal distance, regulatory focus, construal level, actual self, ideal self, self-congruity



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