ISSN : 1229-8778
Survey study and experimental study were performed to examine action plan for establishment of effective message strategy based on consumer sympathy modules. In the survey study, 239 undergraduates were asked to answer questionnaire including information processing style scale and regulatory focus scale that are basis of sympathy module. Each response was measured on 7 point Likert type rating scales and are examined relationships between information processing style and regulation focus. In the experimental study, 64 undergraduates were randomly assigned to sympathy module groups and were asked to evaluate messages that include static/dynamic and useful/joyful appeals, in order to investigate differences of degree of sympathy and favorableness about messages according to rational/emotional sympathy modules. To ensure reliability and validity of these scales, data was analyzed with internal consistency and factor analysis. For hypotheses testing, correlation analysis and analysis of variance(ANOVA) were conducted. According to results from both studies, first, there are strong correlations between information processing style and regulatory focus. Second, the more message sympathize to, the more chance have to favor. Third, rational sympathy module significantly influences on sympathize and favor to static message and useful message. Finally, emotional sympathy module does not influence on dynamic message and joyful message. These findings suggest that to sympathize consumer is important and message strategy need to concern to consumer sympathy modules, in order to raise message effect. Finally, limitations of this study and directions for further studies are discussed.
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