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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
The purpose of this study is to verify the impact of washing hands on consumption behavior. People make use of objective physical sensation(physical distance, cleanliness, temperature, weigh, etc) to understand relatively abstract concepts(love, morality, social relations, etc.), and it called embodied cognition(Lakoff, & Johnson, 1999). Regarding Cleanliness, the precedent studies were related to evaluation of morality. But in the current study, study 1 had focus on the context of a general consumption behavior(purchase satisfaction, the difference value between anticipated purchase price and actual purchase price, average purchase price, and range of willing to pay). And based on the result of study 1, study 2 demonstrated the effect of washing hands was applied to other area(e.g., cognitive rigidity). Study 1 was with 49 male and female university students, and 2(washing hands condition)×2(gender) between-subject design. As a result, there was a main effect about average purchase price. In addition, there was a significant interaction between washing hands and gender to range of willing to pay. Especially, people who wash their hands had less average purchase price compared to control. And study 2 was to verify the effect of washing hands on cognitive rigidity. So 22 participants were additionally recruited. As a result, people who washing hands showed cognitive rigidity. In the end, based on this results further study's supplementation were discussed.
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