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The hidden side of altruistic consumption: Balancing egoistic and altruistic motives


Past studies suggest that altruistic (vs. egoistic) consumption in a preceding purchase situation can be negatively associated with altruistic (vs. egoistic) consumption in the subsequent purchase situation, which results from moral-self concept regulation. The goal of this study was thus to examine whether pursuing others’ (vs. one’s own) benefits in a preceding consumption situation can decrease (vs. increase) altruistic consumption in the subsequent purchase situation. In addition, the study investigated the effect of prior altruistic (vs. egoistic) consumption and altruism on the subsequent altruistic consumption. The results indicated that when the participants pursued their own benefits (vs. others’ benefits) in a preceding consumption situation, they were more likely to pursue others’ benefits (vs. their own benefits) in the subsequent consumption situation. However, there was not a significant difference of satisfaction on their decisions between two prior consumption conditions (pursuing their own benefits vs. others’ benefits). As participants were altruistic, they tried to pursue others’ benefits in the subsequent consumption situation at the aggregate level. Interestingly, when participants considered others’ benefits in a preceding consumption situation, their altruism was positively associated with the degree to which they tried to pursue others’ benefits in the subsequent consumption situation. By contrast, participants’ altruism was not related with the degree to which they tried to pursue others’ benefits in the subsequent consumption situation when they considered their own benefits in the preceding consumption situation.

altruistic consumption, altruism, moral-self concept regulation, moral licensing, moral cleansing



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