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The Influence of Alliance Fit between Human Brand and Product Brand on Attitude toward Co-Brand: Focused on the Role of Self-Congruity


Although there have been many previous studies related to brand alliances, research on alliances with human brands and product brands is lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to study the factors influencing the success of the alliance between the human brand and the product brand. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of alliance fit between two brands on consumer attitude toward the co-brand in strategic alliance between human brand and product brand. Another purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effect of self-congruity toward human brand and product brand on consumer attitude toward co-brand. Lastly, we examined interaction effect of alliance fit and self-congruity. We used regression, simple slope analysis, and spotlight analysis to test hypotheses. The results showed that the alliance fit between human brand and product brand did not significantly affect the consumers’ attitude toward co-brand. However, the self-congruity toward the human brand and the self-congruity toward the product brand have a positive effect on the consumers’ attitude toward the co-brand. Also, the results showed that the three-way interaction effect (alliance fit x self-congruity of the human brand x self-congruity of the product brand) was significant. In the case of high fit of alliance, the higher the self-congruity of the human brand regardless of the self-congruity of the product brand, the more positive the co-brand attitude is. However, in the case of low fit of alliance, the higher the self-congruity of the product brand, the more positive the co-brand attitude was. And the self-congruity of the human brand affects consumers’ attitude toward co-brand only when the self-congruity of the product brand is low. Based on these results, this paper pointed out the theoretical and practical implications of human brand and product brand.

Brand Alliance, Alliance Fit, Human Brand, Self-Congruity, Attitude toward Co-Brand



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