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A Study on the Taxonomy of Consumer’s Habitual Buying Behavior


This study empirically investigated into the multidimensional structure of habitual buying behavior by reestablishing the concept of the behavior based on the essential characteristics of habit and approaching the matter in terms of embedded cognition. Also, this study focused on identifying the differential influence of consumer responses based on the types of habitual purchase, and verified the moderating effect of personal characteristics. The results of the research can be summarized as follows. First, the exploration of various types of habitual buying behavior embracing consumer's consumption habit for specific product showed that habitual buying behavior can be divided into four types: value-oriented habitual purchase, pure habitual purchase, spurious habitual purchase, and quasi-habitual purchase according to the contextual dependence and behavior value. Second, an experiment was conducted to verify the differential influence of consumer responses based on the types of habitual purchase, and verified the moderating effect of price sensitivity and uncertainty avoidance. As a result, value-oriented and pure habitual purchase consumers showed higher continuous use intention compared with spurious and quasi-habitual purchase consumers. On the contrary, value-oriented and pure habitual purchase consumers showed lower switching purchase intention compared with spurious and quasi-habitual purchase consumers. Finally, upon verifying the moderating effect, it was found that the moderating effect of price sensitivity depending on types of habitual buying behavior is significant, and the moderating effect of uncertainty avoidance is partially significant. Based on these results, the study provided valuable theoretical and managerial implications and directions for future research.

Habit, habitual buying behavior, types of habitual buying behavior, contextual dependence, behavior value, embedded cognition, price sensitivity, uncertainty avoidance



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