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A Study the Effect of Brand Webtoon Story Completeness, Character Fictitiousness, and Product Type on the Impact of Advertisement


The purpose of this study was to validate the advertising effect of brand webtoon based on the fact that brand webtoon had recently been recognized as an important means of content production for advertising and marketing. Therefore, this study was intended to validate the advertising effect based on product type in brand webtoon, along with the effect arising from story completeness and character fictitiousness which would characterize the webtoon. For that, an experiment was performed on 8 groups by using the 2×2×2 factorial design. We measured the rate of attention to products to determine the advertising effect and measured brand name recall and recognition response to determine memory response. Meanwhile, we measured the product attitude to determine attitude response and measured purchase intention to determine behavioral response. The results of this study were as follows: First, difference in attention rate, memory response, product attitude, and purchase intention increased when the degree of webtoon story completeness was higher, compared to when story completeness was low, regarding the difference depending on story completeness. Second, difference in attention rate, memory response, and purchase intention increased when the level of fictitiousness of character in webtoon was higher, compared to when the level of fictitiousness of character was low, regarding the difference depending on fictitiousness of character. Third, hedonic products showed greater difference, depending on product type, in attention rate, memory response, and product attitude, compared to practical products. Finally, the interaction effect of story completeness, character fictitiousness, and product type was partially supported and manifested the effect. In other words, it would be important to use the characters that can enhance the story quality of webtoon and arose sympathy of audience in order to ensure greater impact of advertising which taps into webtoon contents. Advertisements would be more impactful when hedonic products are exposed to brand webtoon. This study presented the potential of webtoon advertisement impact in the era of multi-media and validated the webtoon advertisement impact on the advertising stimulus characteristics and consumer characteristics in connection with the factors affecting the brand webtoon, presenting the implications for development of new advertising contents and advertisement production standard suited for the era of digital media.

Brand Webtoons, Story Completeness, Character Fictitiousness, Product Type, Impact of Advertisement



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