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The Differential Effects of Reference Product to Donation Messages on Consumers' Donation Intentions: The Focus on the Role of Anticipated Guilt


This research examined how a reference to an unrelated product in the choice context affects consumers' likelihood of donating to charity. The results of this study showed participants are more likely to give when the donation appeal references a hedonic product than when a utilitarian product is referenced or when no comparison is provided. this phenomenon occurs because referencing a hedonic product during a charitable appeal induced anticipated guilt associated with the choice to donate. Also, the effect of donation message included reference product was different according to participant’s self-regulatory resource. participants in no-depletion condition, they showed higher donation intention when the donation appeal references a hedonic product than when a utilitarian product is referenced or when no comparison is provided. whereas those in depletion condition, there was no difference in donation intention depend on the type of the donation message. This result was further observed in subjects with low moral identity, Specifically, subjects with high moral identity higher donation intentions when a hedonic product is referenced regardless of self-regulation resources but subjects with low moral identities were different in donation intentions depend on the extent of self-regulation resources. Study 2, we examined the difference of donation intention according to the mode of thinking of consumers by focusing on donation message referencing a hedonic product. As a result, we observed that the donation intention increased when we manipulated the subjects by emotional thoughts, while the donation intention decreased when we manipulated the subjects by calculative thoughts. also confirmed that this effect was mediated by the anticipated guilt. Finally, this study is meaningful because it suggests a way to naturally increase guilt feelings through short but effective donation messages and to increase consumers' donation behavior.

Donation Message, Donation Intention, Anticipated Guilt, Self-Regulatory Resources, Thinking Mode, Moral Identity



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