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Recommender’s Personal Influence in the Context of Curation Service: Focusing on the interaction effect between regulatory focus and recommender’s homophily cue


There have been two different theories which result in conflicting predictions regarding the influence of homogeneous and heterogeneous recommenders. While homophily principle emphasizes the importance of a homogeneous recommender, diffusion model argues vice versa. The present study tried to integrate these two theories especially in the context of social curation service. Regulatory focus is suggested as a moderator variable which moderates the effect of recommenders’ homophily cue on information seeking intention in the short and long terms, and their personal influence. An experiment was conducted in order to test the hypotheses. The result generally supported homophily principle. However, there was a significant interaction effect between recommenders’ homophily cue and participants’ regulatory focus. As hypotheses expected, the promotion focused group sought heterogeneous recommenders more often compared to the prevention focused group did. Moreover, promotion focused participants preferred recommendations given by heterogeneous recommenders over homogeneous recommenders. They also reported higher intention to accept heterogeneous recommenders’ recommendations. The prevention focused group, on the other hand, reported preference and higher intention to accept homogeneous recommenders’ recommendations over that of heterogeneous recommenders. Theoretical and practical implications were further discussed.

regulatory focus, promotion focus, prevention focus, homophily principle, diffusion model, curation service, personal influence



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