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The Effects of Consumers' Empathic Responses and Expected Participation of Others on Their Boycott Decision: Moderating Role of the Severity of Negative Events


The purpose of this study is to understand consumers’ boycott decision making process and to extend literature on boycott behavior by examining the factors that influence on consumers’ boycott participation decision, and identifying the relationship between the factors. First, the effects of consumers’ empathic responses high or low) to the victim of a target company generated incident and consumers’ perceived overall expected participation of others in a boycott on their likelihood of boycott participation were demonstrated. Second, the interaction of the two variables on consumers’ likelihood of boycott was also identified. Third, the moderating role of the severity of incidents was also exploratively examined. The data were collected from undergraduate students(N = 321) at a large city university in and ANOVAs were employed to determine the relationships between the variables. The results show that the main effects of both of consumers’ perceived empathic level and overall expected participation on their likelihood of boycott participation were significant. Further, the interaction effect of consumers’ perceived empathic level and overall expected participation on their likelihood of boycott was also significant. On the other hand, the moderating role of the severity of incidents was found to be significant in the effect of consumers’ perceived empathic level on their likelihood of boycott participation. However, there was no significant moderating effect in the effect of consumers’ perceived overall expected participation on their likelihood of boycott participation. Detailed academic discussions that extend the consumers’ boycott decision making process and managerial implications for practices based on the results of this study are provided in the conclusion section.

Boycott, Empathy, Expected participation, Consumer rights, Severity of incidents



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