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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Self-control refer to restraining behavior that interferes with individuals from achieving their long-term goals. Individuals have different self-control ability. This study investigates the mind set of individuals with high self-control ability in the context of self-control dilemma, especially focusing on mental simulation (Outcome-focused vs. Process-focused). We predicted that in self-control dilemma, individuals with high self-control might more likely utilize Outcome-focused mental simulation for self-control than Process-focused mental simulation, and activated Outcome-focused mental simulation might be more effective on self-control than activated Process-focused mental simulation. In addition, we predicted anticipated regret might mediate the effect of mental simulation on self-control. To test hypotheses, this study conducted 3 experiments. In Experiment 1, we examined the relation between individuals’ self-control level and types of mental simulation to utilize in self-control dilemma. Results showed that high self-control individuals used more Outcome-focused mental simulation than Process-focused. In Experiment 2 and 3, we examined the effect of mental simulation on self-control with between subject design(mental simulation: Outcome vs. Process focused). We manipulated participants’ mental simulation type in Experiment 2 with unrelated task with self-control dilemma and in Experiment 3 with related task. As we predicted, individuals activating Outcome-focused mental simulation did better self-control than Process-focused. and we found out the mediating effect of anticipated regret.
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