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The Effect of Price Claims, Comparisons and Temporal distances on Consumer's Perceived Value


The purpose of this research is finding effective marketing strategy induced by interaction between price claims, compulsions and the temporal distances. There are 12 treatment groups which are assigned by manipulation of the presentation method of pricing information(Pennies-a-Day:PAD vs. Aggregation: AGG), comparisons(explicit: EC vs implicit : IC) and temporal distances(Near future: NF vs. Distant future: DF). In <Experiment 1>, the estimate represented the difference in means between EC and IC for PAD (EC vs. IC within PAD) and between PAD and AGG for IC (PAD vs. AGG within IC) were statistically significant. In <Experiment 2>, the contrast estimates of (AGG vs. PAD within NF) and (DF vs. NF within AGG) were statistically significant. And the contrast estimate of <Experiment 3> showed that the difference in means between PAD and AGG for NF, and between NF and DF for PAD given to explicit comparisons were statistically significant. Implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Pennies-a-Day, Aggregation, Explicit Comparative Message, Temporal Distance, Perceived Value



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